Health and injury report if available.

I would appreciate any information we may get regarding health and injury of our players. Is Johnny Vastine getting IVs and/or other forms of treatment and hydration. Are there others with his symptoms? Is Davis Diaz's knee bruised or damaged further? Was Matthew Polk banged up when he was tripped by the irregular inclined warning track at Clemson resulting in a hard crash into the outfield fence? How's Carter Holton's arm? Is Ethan McElvain cleared for extended innings? Is Jayden Davis cleared to take ground balls and play defense? Are there other nagging issues with health and injuries?

The CURSE ???

Well, do ya now believe like me that VU has been cursed by that God awful chubby "Buttplug V" logo that nobody wanted ???

This year the football team tanked, the basketball team sucked and were forced to pay millions to get rid of a coaching staff, the top rated golf team was upset in the 1st round of NCAA match play, and now the VandyBoys are the 1st team out of the NCAA baseball tourney.

Ditch that cursed logo !!!!!!!!!!
