Dear Jerry (or whoever monitors this board on behalf of you or the Athletic Department),
This is just between you and me because the title of this thread will keep everybody else away. I am the last of a dying breed, and my job as your defender is getting harder with each passing game. To recap:
The majority opinion: You are a bad recruiter. You might be a good pro coach, but you don't know anything about the college game. Your substitution patterns defy logic, and you are giving too many minutes to the wrong guys and not enough minutes to the right guys. (Specifically, Liam should get 27 minutes, not 23 minutes.) You don't use your timeouts wisely (or at all). You need to play the young guys more so that they will develop, be happy, and not transfer. You are stubborn and arrogant and thin-skinned. You don't care about the fans; in fact, you belittle them. Memorial Magic is gone, and you are the reason why. Your job is safe because the AD is lazy/gutless/incompetent, and you know it.
Hey, don't shoot the messenger; I'm just telling you what is out there.
My defense has been: Your player development and your X's and O's. Your pro sets make it an easy transition to the pro game, and the players and their families appreciate that. You are sometimes the smartest guy in the room. You are at practice every day, and I can argue with a straight face that you know and want what is best for the players and the team. You meet with the players and assistant coaches and discuss with them your substitution patterns. The team is playing hard, is competitive, and will get better and surprise people down the stretch. Okay, some of this is me giving you the benefit of the doubt, but I'm trying the best I can to present a defense.
Let's pretend for a minute that I'm your lawyer (or uncle or pastor or teacher). I'm on your side. I want you to succeed. So, hear me out. Even the smartest guy in the room can be wrong at times. Don't tune out your critics. Don't surround yourself with yes men or people who are scared to give an honest opinion. Don't be stubborn. It's okay to make a mistake, and it is admirable to admit making a mistake.
Be humble. "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
Respectfully submitted,
Uncle Momalo