Vandy-Uggies, Game 3: National Broom Day


Nov 30, 2015
Vienna, Austria
How appropriate that Sunday is National Mop and Broom Day.

I'm old enough to remember what mops and brooms are, what they are used for, and, most importantly, how to use them correctly. I suspect most Gen X'ers and Millennials are confused at these terms and devices and even if they know what they are I doubt they use them properly. Heaven forbid you give them a dust pan and expect them to grasp its historical significance. Young people today use Swifters and Rumba's to clean house but I still do it the old fashioned way, with sweat, and brawn, and my numerous handy mops and brooms, i.e., the correct way (at least according to my 91 year-old mother who still has a land line, no cell phone, and has never once used a computer. And yet she lives on far beyond what most of us will achieve.).

I'm not against Swifters and Rumbas. They really are great inventions. The Rumba is particularly amazing and I expect it to continue to flood the market. That is, until it devours somebody's cat and then the ASPCA will file a $10 billion Class Action Lawsuit and that'll be the end of that. Perhaps Chester Copperpot can secure that lawyering job and become an instant billionaire. Hopefully, he'll donate part of that money to Vandy for a video scoreboard that actually works.

And speaking of generations, I hear the new one is called Gen Z. That's so boring. I'd call it Gen Tech. My granddaughter was only 1 when she mastered the smart phone and now runs circles around me despite the fact she doesn't speak English, only Babelonian. She is so adept with her mom's phone that she hacked into my daughter's Amazon account via her smart phone and ordered 47 teddy bears of various sizes, types, and colors. No one was the wiser until the delivery truck arrived with 14 giant boxes. To my daughter's credit, she did discipline my granddaughter and will deduct from the inheritance I leave them every last penny she surrepticiously spent. Somehow I figured I'd end up paying for that ... my daughter's always been adept at getting me to pay for things.

But, I digress.

Back to brooms. With wins in games 1 and 2 the Dores have the chance for a sweep tomorrow. The Dores put a real whippin' on the Aggies in Game 2 to the tune of 17-3. I hear that Coach Childress took his team over to Vandy Medical Center after the game to treat them for Battered Spouse Syndrome. I doubt there will be any lasting effects, however, as tomorrow is always another day in baseball as witnessed by Vandy getting 4 hits Friday and 16 Saturday and still winning both game. Baseball is truly a funny game.

This is the 2nd time in 3 games that the Dores scored 17 runs. Today's game result was the product of an amazing 12 extra base hits on just 16 hits. Four homers -- Kendall, Toffey, Infante, Paul. Two triples -- Ray, Hayes. Six doubles -- Kendall, Toffey, Delay, Jones, Paul, Hayes. All starters got at least 1 hit, led by Kendall with 3 and Hayes, Toffey, Paul and Infante with 2. Scott only got 1 hit but was on base 3 of 3 times.

Run production was also amazing. Three runs scored -- Kendall, Hayes, Paul. Four RBI -- Hayes. Three RBI -- Toffey, Infante. Two RBI -- Paul, Kendall. The team was 8-16 with runners in scoring position, our high mark of the year (and perhaps several years.)

In short, this was not a one man show, it was the entire team. For a while there I thought they'd brought in a high school guy to pitch to us but, after checking the roster, found out the guy has been with A&M several years and has actually pitched well most of the time. While it is understandable we might do this kind of damage in a mid-week game (such as last Wednesday) it is entirely something else to do it to an SEC team, even if half their team is freshmen. Half of Ole Miss is also freshmen and we all know how that turned out. Heck, almost 1/2 our team is freshmen, it's just most of them aren't everyday starters like A&M and Ole Miss.

But enough about hitters. How about Patrick Raby? Yet another stellar performance; he has yet to disappoint us this year (or really even last year, for that matter.) 7 strong innings with 0 runs, only 3 hits, 2 walks, and 7 strike outs. Four of those strike outs were "looking" which tells you he was throwing some pretty nasty stuff from the hitters perspective. We'd of had a shutout, of course, but Corbs let some of the freshmen get in some innings and Gillis had several control issues (4 walks) but it was the home run he allowed that did all their damage. That's okay, though, freshmen need experience and when you're up 17-0 that's the perfect time to give it to them. That will pay off in the long run I think.

With all the arm waving and sign giving Corbs was doing today I was not surprised to see Maggie giving him an arm massage after the game. For much of the day he looked like he was pretending to be a windmill. She's such a great lady in all ways possible. To my knowledge, she has never missed a game, always camped out in the aisle seat opposite where David Williams occasionally shows up (he was there today for an inning or two.)

So Sunday is another day and despite how you did on Saturday, you're still only a few days off from having lost a game and losing another one. What happens one day often has zero effect on what happens the next. Drake Fellows takes the mound for the Dores and we all fully expect another good performance from him. Keep in mind, however, he's a freshman, and as polished as he's looked to-date there is always the chance he could exhibit freshman-ness at any time.

Fellows will likely be opposed by Mitchell Killkenny (one of my favorite South Park episodes was "Somebody Kill Kenny", or something like that) who has been a fairly decent pitcher this year, but certainly not overwhelming. I realize it may surprise some Millennials that a Baby Boomer such as myself has ever even heard of South Park much less watched it. I always try to keep up with what garbage is on TV so that I can make fun of it and compare it to what my generation watched, classics like The Beverly Hillbillies, Mr. Ed, Bewitched, Get Smart, The Monkees, and my most favorite of all, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Ah, for the good old days of television when you could go more than 5 minutes watching TV without either a sexual reference, a "dirty word", or a Viagra commercial.

Go Dores.

**Correction: The South Park episode was "OMG, They Killed Kenny!"
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