I think we can all (or at least 90% of us) can agree that if we do not get to 6 wins and a bowl in 2016, it is in our best interest to look elsewhere for a new head coach. The constant moaning and whining about things that could have or should have been this season, how bad Mason is, etc, are now pointless. I firmly believe that with the talent and experience returning on Defense, the experience coming back on Offense, and hopefully a new ST coordinator who knows, well, something, that next season has the potential to be a good year (6+ wins). I think that there are a lot of great talking topics out there, that we can collectively talk about what the new year may have in store, that we do not need to repetitively lambaste each other (present party included). Anyway, now that the "dust has settled" and I am posting this at the wee hours for a fresh thread at the beginning of everyone's day, hopefully we can put it behind us and look forward to a make or break season, which starts with recruiting. Go Dores, and go to hell UT.