Looking forward to this football season


Lieutendant Commander
Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
We saw huge progress this past season. We beat a ranked UK on the road and Florida, both of which had 1st round QB talents. We didnt get wrecked by transfers, and we have and still are recruiting really well. I remember with Mason how it never felt like we were getting better those last couple of seasons. We have NFL talent at QB and WR. The schedule sets up for a nice run to start the year, and 6-0 is not outside the realm of the possible. Granted 0-6 to close the year would be the most Vanderbilt thing ever. 4-0 and 5-0 starts always ended with 5-7, 6-6. The good news is this year we wont lose interest in the team by September 15. Im planning on going to as many games as possible and enjoying a good team for once.

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