Anyone with insight into the bullpen status for Radford and Indiana?
Hart (92 pitches), Belcher (36 pitches) for Indiana on Friday.
Morris(64 pitches), Elsford (64 pitches), Harrison (19 pitches) for Indiana today.
Zurak (17 pitches), Boyle (98), Palmer (18), McQueen (11)
Ridgley (70 pitches) Bridgeman (39 pitches), Meisinger (17 pitches) for Radford today.
For Vanderbilt:
Fulmer (104 pithces), Snider (28 pitches)
Pfeiffer (104 pitches) Bowden (42 pitches), Wright (9 pitches)
Hart (92 pitches), Belcher (36 pitches) for Indiana on Friday.
Morris(64 pitches), Elsford (64 pitches), Harrison (19 pitches) for Indiana today.
Zurak (17 pitches), Boyle (98), Palmer (18), McQueen (11)
Ridgley (70 pitches) Bridgeman (39 pitches), Meisinger (17 pitches) for Radford today.
For Vanderbilt:
Fulmer (104 pithces), Snider (28 pitches)
Pfeiffer (104 pitches) Bowden (42 pitches), Wright (9 pitches)