I got my brother and nephews to agree to put the “Salisbury gate” on the line. Our hunting camp is part of the old Salisbury Plantation in southwest Wilkinson County, Mississippi. For the last 25 years or so, the winner of the Vanderbilt vs Ole Miss football game got to paint the gate team colors. It’s been red and blue for far too long now, and with the change in scheduling that was becoming a BIG problem!
They did not know anything about our team, and assumed they would walk right over us. Suckers!!
Would be painting today but it’s 3 hours drive each way and it’s pouring rain there today. Two weeks, I’ll be there!!
They did not know anything about our team, and assumed they would walk right over us. Suckers!!
Would be painting today but it’s 3 hours drive each way and it’s pouring rain there today. Two weeks, I’ll be there!!